Nature Trail Backpack Kit Backpack includes 6 items LIBRARY OF THINGS
Night Sky - Family Science Backpack
Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza
Kill A Watt Energy Detector - Model P4400
Chameleon - Board Game - Family and Friends
Exploding Kittens - Card Game -
Aneken - Metal Detector, Professional High Accuracy Metal Detector
Gardner Bender GDT-311 Digital Multimeter, 3 Function, 11 Range, Tests AC/DC Voltage and Resistance
Deluxe Turntable Scrabble | Fun Word Game for Kids and Adults | Fun Family Game | 2-4 Players
Oversize items may be behind the circulation desk..
You may reserve Things for checkout just as you do a book. By checking out a Thing you agree to the following Borrowing and Use Guidelines.
Guidelines for Borrowing and Use
Objects lent out by the Library through its Library of Things program must be checked out from and returned to Limerick Public Library. A valid library card in good standing is required to borrow a Thing. Borrowers of these items must be at least 18 years old.
Loan Periods and Fines
In most cases, a Thing may be borrowed for 3 week intervals and renewed up to 2 times unless another borrower is waiting.
Proper Use and Liability
Use care when handling the Thing. The borrower is solely responsible for the Thing and will be billed for reasonable repair or replacement costs associated with damage or loss of Things and/or peripherals due to neglect or abuse. The Library has sole discretion in making these decisions.
Limerick Public Library is not responsible for any injury, loss, or damage that may occur from use of a Thing.
Why lend Things?
Learn more about the importance of sharing, how to create a Library of Things in your community, and more with these videos: 2022 Maine State Library Conference – How to Create and Run a Library of Things: A Case Study from a Maine Public Library, 2022 Maine Climate Discussion, Library Program Ideas to Support the Sustainable Development Goals and the Lending Beyond Books at the 2021 Maine State Library Conference.